Elwin Arroyo
Kyler Carlson
Jerry Cranham
Bill Cunneen
Alec Gasca,
Roberta Medrano-Gomez
Jackie Hernandez,
Norma Ladwig
Robert Ladwig
Richard McKenzie
Daniel Mooney
Antonio Orejel
Ray Schmidt
Diana Sparagna
Francis Sparagna
Terri Stober
Claudia Tellez
Fr. Tom Elewaut
Mary Kay Huszar
Robert Ladwig
Richard Yarbrough
Raul Villa, Chairperson
Altar Servers
Parish Office (805) 643-4318
Extraordinary Ministers
of Holy Communion:
Mary Kay Huszar
805-643-4318, ext. 202
Deacon Mark Banda
To view the Parish Ministries Booklet please call the Parish Office (805) 643-4318
The Second Vatican Council declared that “The musical tradition of the universal Church is a treasure of inestimable value, greater even than that of any other art. The main reason for this pre-eminence is that, as sacred song united to the words, it forms a necessary or integral part of the solemn liturgy.” (Sacrosantum Concilium, 112)Accordingly, the music ministry at Mission Basilica San Buenaventura strives to elevate the liturgical celebration through the singing of traditional hymnody, chant, and sacred choral music.
The Basilica Choir sings at the 9:00 am Mass on Sundays throughout the year, as well as for solemnities, feasts, and special masses. The choir also leads evening Vespers on the Sundays of Advent and Lent. The choir sings a wide variety of advanced choral repertoire in the Catholic tradition, in multiple languages, ranging from Gregorian Chant and classical polyphony to more contemporary choral repertoire. In addition to singing for the sacred liturgy, the choir also performs in a number of concerts every year, often in collaboration with a visiting choir.The Basilica Choir is always accepting volunteer singers! Experience singing in a choir is not required, but all singers are expected to be able to match pitch and basic rhythm,as well as follow detailed instructions in a fast-paced classroom-like setting. While ability to read music is certainly an asset, it is not absolutely required. A further requirement is regular attendance, as much as possible. While some singers are understandably not available every week, choir is a serious commitment that requires more than a merely sporadic attendance.If you would like to set up an audition for choir, please contact our Director of Music and Liturgy, Mr. Jonathan Culbreath, at maestrojmc@sanbuenaventuramission.org or at (805) 643-4318, ext. 203.
The Children’s Choir sings every other Sunday for the 10:45 am Mass (in Spanish), assisted by a cantor and the Director of Music.
The coordinator for the Children’s Choir is Mrs. Claudia Ruiz, our office manager, who may be reached at parishoffice@sanbuenaventuramission.org or (805) 643-4318 ext. 201.
Mrs. Jordan Blanchard, Principal
(805) 643-1500, ext. 413
Catholic Charities
(805) 643-4694
St. Vincent de Paul Society
(805) 746-6071
Caregivers Care for Elderly
Tammy Glen, Executive Director
(805) 658-8530
Bulletin/Website/Social Media:
Elwin Arroyo (805) 643-4318 ext 206, bulletineditor@sanbuenaventuramission.org
Mission Gift Shop: (805) 648-4496
Veronica Basoco, Manager giftshop@sanbuenaventuramission.org
Life Centers Crisis Pregnancy:
24-hour Helpline (800) 973-7334
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