Animated Map of Mission Formation
This site gives you a California map and the names of the 21 Missions in chronological order and the date of their founding. You will visualize the placement of San Buenaventura Mission as the Ninth Mission founded.
California Mission History
This site also gives you a California map, the names of the 21 Missions in order of founding, the date of their founding and web pages on the history of each Mission. You will visualize the placement of San Buenaventura Mission as the Ninth Mission founded by Junipero Serra and find historical information on San Buenaventura Mission. It is provided by the California Mission Site. Ed. The Civic Group. 22 May 2000.
Selected photographs and text by Hubert Lowman are licensed for use on the World Wide Web exclusively by The Civic Group. Wright, Ralph, B. Ed. California's Missions. Pub by Hubert A. Lowman. Arroyo Grande, CA, 1992. The California Mission Site.
More Information on California Missions :
California Mission Studies Association
Founded in 1984, CMSA is a nonprofit public benefit corporation formed for the Study and Preservation of the California Missions and their Native American, Hispanic, and Early American Past
Directory of California Missions & Other Hispanic Sites
This web site by California Mission Studies Association contains contact information for each of the 21 California missions in alphabetical order, as a preliminary to the construction of a separate homepage for each mission.
Annotated Links to Websites Related to California Missions
This web site by California Mission Studies Association contains many links to more information on each mission.
California Mission History
This site also gives you a California map, the names of the 21 Missions in order of founding, the date of their founding and web pages on more History of each Mission. It is provided by the California Mission Site. Ed. The Civic Group. 22 May 2000. <>. Selected photographs and text by Hubert Lowman are licensed for use on the World Wide Web exclusively by The Civic Group. Wright, Ralph, B. Ed. California's Missions. Pub by Hubert A. Lowman. Arroyo Grande, CA, 1992. The California Mission Site.
Missions of Spanish Era Had Wide Influence
By F. Gordon O’Neill, Editor, Catholic Monitor… This site provided by the Museum of the City of San Francisco, gives an interesting history of the development of the Missions and the Catholic Church in its mission days up to 1925 describing the extent of the Catholic Church in California.
California’s Catholic Church
Provided by the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, this site speaks of "Yesterday, in Alta California... ," listing what made up the Catholic Church in its mission days and "... Today, in Southern California" describing the extent of the Catholic Church in Southern California now.
The Digital El Camino Real Website
In order to better preserve and share the history of the route with a wider audience, CyArk digitally preserves El Camino Real de California. This program includes the development of an interactive map to showcase the route, the digital documentation and dissemination of the 21 missions, 4 presidios, 3 pueblos and other historic sites, and the development of conservation and educational content. CyArk utilizes the latest in reality capture technologies, such as 3D laser scanning and high definition photography, to accurately map each site along the route. The field capture will result in a highly accurate record of the site which will be archived for the future and utilized today to develop conservation tools for professionals and educational materials for 4th graders and the general public.
Index of California Mission Information
This page was started in February 1996 because its author found very little information on California Missions on the Web. Note: The information contained in these web pages have been borrowed from brochures or donated by students doing reports.
Ed Stephan created this wonderful animated map of the formation of the missions
This is an education resourse site for materials that supports an historical inforamtional appreciation of the Missions.
California Mission Internet Trail
This site is being constructed by students up and down the state of California to serve as a central resource for information on the California Missions. The effort is being coordinated by Pioneer School and Oak Hill School in Escondido, California as part of the State Building the Future Project.
California Missions Interactive
On May 4th, 1995 two bicyclists embarked on a self-contained tour of twelve of the California missions - Mission Buenaventura, Ventura, CA to Mission Dolores, San Francisco, CA.
California Missions
Created by BGe Internet Services this site provides a California map of all the Missions and gives historical information on each of them.
California Missions
This site provides provided by Maria Hetenyi lists the twenty-one California missions with links either to actual mission web sites or paintings, photos or pictures of the missions. It provides a postcard of the missions and states "The twenty-one California missions, historical reminders of the great Franciscan adventure, the ruins of which stand in wonder and beauty along 600 miles of glorious golden coast region. Thousands of people annually visit the Missions and find it most beautiful and interesting."
Information on Individual California Missions :
La Purisima Mission - State Historical Park
Provided by California State Parks, Department of Parks and Recreation, giving details of Visitor Information to La Purisima Mission. Misión la Purísima Concepción de María Santísima, founded in 1787, is one of the most completely restored missions of the 21 Spanish missions in California. This is the largest and most authentic missionrestoration project in the American West.
The 1812 Santa Barbara Earthquake: Mission La Purisima
Provided Santa Barbara Earthquake History, this site contains eyewitness accounts and historical photographs from earthquake of 1812 and the damage that the Mission La Concepcion Purisima suffered.
First Church in San Francisco Was Tule Arbor Built June, 1776
This site provided by the Museum of the City of San Francisco, gives a short history of Mission Dolores, or San Francisco de Asis,
San Juan Bautista State Historic Park
Provided by California State Parks giving details of Visitor Information to San Juan Bautista Mission
San Juan Bautista - The Barrel Organ
Provided by The Standing Stones web site, musicians who perform traditional music and song from Scotland and Ireland, and Canada and Australia where Scottish and Irish music took root during the Gaelic diaspora of the 19th century. This is one page in the author's interest in the history of music in California. It gives a short description of San Juan Bautista Mission and the story of its barrel organ.
Mission San Juan Capistrano
Official San Juan Capistrano Mission website
Mission San Luis Rey Mission San Luis Rey de Francia, located in Oceanside, California, is the eighteenth in a line of twenty-one California Missions. Owned and operated by the Franciscan Friars of California
The 1925 Santa Barbara Earthquake: Santa Barbara Mission
Provided Santa Barbara Earthquake History, this site contains eyewitness accounts and historical photographs from earthquake of 1925 and the damage that the Mission Santa Barbara suffered.
Santa Cruz Mission - State Historical Park
Provided by California State Parks giving details of Visitor Information to Santa Cruz Mission
Old Mission Santa Inez
Official web site of the Mission gives the history of the Mission, treasures, events and other information on the parish life of this Mission situated in the Santa Ines Valley.
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