Join us as we make the short pilgrimage from the Mission garden up to the Cross in Grant Park. We depart at 7:30 a.m. from the Mission on the first Saturday in May to commemorate the Feast of the Holy Cross (formerly observed on May 3).
A bilingual outdoor Mass is celebrated at the Cross with a spectacular view of San Buenaventura and the coastline.
Following Mass refreshments are served compliments of the Guadalupana Society.
San Buenaventura Feast Day
July 15
Our patronal feast day is July 15. When this feast day falls on a weekday (Monday through Friday) a special Mass is observed at 7:00 p.m. followed by a reception in the Mission Gardens. When the feast day falls on a weekend the Sunday Mass schedule is observed with refreshments served after each Mass in the Mission Gardens. Please check the Mission calendar as often our patronal feast day is celebrated on the weekend.
To read more about St. Bonaventure see the Mission website "History" section. All are welcome to join the parish community of San Buenavnetura Mission as we celebrate this feast day.
Christmas Tree Lighting
First Friday after Thanksgiving Weekend
An annual MUST ATTEND family tradition for more than 75 years. The two historic Norfolk Pine Trees come alive with festive lights while carolers sing and entertain the 2,500+ people who gather in front of Mission San Buenaventura, Figueroa Plaza and in Mission Park. Main Street is closed between Ventura Avenue and Palm Street. The festivities include a Christmas Village with a variety of booths including food and beverages for the family in Figueroa Plaza and canned food Christmas trees sponsored by Food Share.
The festivities begin at 5:00 PM. A live Nativity sponsored by Holy Cross School is held on the front steps of the Mission. At 6:45 PM our Mayor and the Pastor of the Mission welcome Santa Claus. When Santa lights the trees the magic begins with snow and festive music. Activities for children of all ages are sponsored by the businesses of the Downtown District. Bring a chair and enjoy the evening.
Feast Day of Our Lady of Guadalupe
December 12
Each year we commemorate the feast day of Our Lady of Guadalupe. Mariachi traditional songs are played at 5:00 AM in O'Brien Hall followed by Mass at 5:30 AM. Following Mass our guests are invited to a menudo breakfast in the Parish Center Auditorium. At 6:00 PM, in the Mission Church, Aztec dancers pay tribute to Our Lady of Guadalupe and a procession is held on Main Street from the Mission to Palm Street to Junipero Serra Way and O'Brien Hall. Mass includes a dramatized representation of the apparition at Tepeyac Hill in Mexico. The evening concludes with pan dulce and hot chocolate in the Parish Center Auditorium.
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